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Read more on absenteeism

Read more on absenteeism

Absenteeism encompasses many aspects, ranging from clear procedures on interview techniques to establishing a culture of trust. On this page, you will find inspiring expert views, practical articles and honest testimonials on absenteeism.

Bart Teuwen 4
Jul 12, 2024 2 min read

Ask Bart: “Quick wins & long-term goals associated with an absenteeism policy”

A robust, positive absenteeism policy has all kinds of favourable effects: healthy and happy employees, lower work pressure, reduced absenteeism costs, increased productivity, and more. Some effects can...
Jul 09, 2024 3 min read

The employer as the promoter of happiness at work: the i-mens story

In 2023, care organisation i-mens teamed up with Mensura and focused their full attention on reducing absenteeism. And with great success: thanks to experimental absenteeism conversations, the short-term...
Reducing costs of absenteeism
Jul 02, 2024 3 min read

Reducing absenteeism costs: how do I get started in practice?

Absenteeism costs your organisation a lot of money. Direct absenteeism costs, such as guaranteed wages and paying for a substitute, add up quickly even with just one absentee...
Absenteeism expert Bart Teuwen
Jun 06, 2024 2 min read

Ask Bart: “Who is responsible for the absenteeism policy in an organisation?”

More than 500,000 Belgians are currently at home due to long-term incapacity for work. And that figure seems to just continue to rise. Despite this, there are still...
Bart Teuwen 3
Bart Teuwen Managing Director at Certimed
Katleen Jacobs SD Worx
May 30, 2024 4 min read

The real impact of absenteeism? Calculate your direct and indirect absence costs

Over 1,500 euros per employee per year: that is how much absenteeism costs an average Belgian company in non-performing hours. And this does not take into account replacement costs, colleagues having to work overtime or dissatisfied clients. Katleen Jacobs of...
Bart Teuwen 3
Bart Teuwen Managing Director at Certimed
War for talent
May 03, 2024 2 min read

How do you keep building a sustainable, positive absenteeism policy?

Your absenteeism policy is not a defined project. Even after implementation, it requires regular evaluation and adjustment. Only then will you guarantee lower absenteeism rates in the long...
Bart Teuwen 7
Apr 29, 2024 2 min read

Ask Bart: ‘Fake sick notes for sale online: what now?’

Fake sick notes that look real: they’ve been making the rounds on the internet lately. Bart Teuwen, our absenteeism expert, took the test himself and signed himself off...
Bart Teuwen 3
Bart Teuwen Managing Director at Certimed
Geluk Eva
Mar 22, 2024 4 min read

Reintegration after burnout: neutral facilitator is the vital link in the chain

Half of those affected by burnout fear relapsing and almost one quarter do. But why? With Mensura as a partner, Antwerp Management School (AMS) investigated what could be...
Absenteeism explained

Absenteeism explained

Which absenteeism figures should I monitor? How often is this necessary? What if an employee does not want to engage in an absence interview? In ‘Absenteeism explained’, our experts answer your most frequently asked questions about absenteeism.

View the frequently asked questions

Start your project plan immediately

Are you interested in discovering what steps you can take to develop a robust absence policy specifically tailored to your organisation? No problem! Download the fill-in template for your own project plan and get started right away.

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