With her background in the HR world, Dana is the perfect person to assist companies...
In ‘Absenteeism explained’, our experts answer your most frequently asked questions about absenteeism. In this issue: how do you encourage managers to talk to your employees about absenteeism?
In brief
Remove the taboos around talking about absenteeism in your organisation. Opt for a positive approach and educate managers on the benefits of open dialogue.
The full statement
Make sure the topic of absenteeism is alive in conversation at every layer of your organisation. Managers play a crucial role. As such, you should explain to them that their contribution can yield great results: stronger connections with the employees, less absenteeism, and improved general well-being.
Set up specific actions to keep the topic of absenteeism top-of-mind with your managers. For example, organise peer-to-peer sessions where they can share their experiences with absenteeism with each other. Ask that absenteeism is not just discussed in one-to-one conversations, but also in team meetings. This will create a culture where absenteeism can be discussed openly.
Of course, absenteeism remains a delicate issue. So a positive approach is crucial. Do not be too strict and controlling, but encourage a warm yet businesslike dialogue that centres around trust.
Help your managers to talk about absenteeism with the course ‘Discussion techniques for a positive absenteeism policy’. In this, they will learn all about warm yet businesslike dialogue, with techniques to help them communicate about this sensitive topic.
learn moreIf you have any other questions about absenteeism,
you may want to check if we already provided an answer for you in a previous ‘Absenteeism explained’. Find the list of all the questions here.
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